Osaka Osaka - well, we figured that since it is the third largest city in Japan, we should make an effort to get on the convenient train and travel a whole 20 mins (maybe more than that, someone can correct me if I'm wrong) to see it. Jin, having read up on Osaka has confirmed that there is food there, so we decided to go. :)
Fell in love with Osaka once I got there. Stepping out of the train station itself was quite an experience. It was vert spacious and very beautiful - (it also had the cherry blossoms on their side!) Plus, the weather was PERFECT so we knew that we were going to have a good day.
Kok Siew and Jin Lee have been raving about this thing called the Takopachi - some octopus balls that were sold in Singapore. Apparently it was very good and had originated from Osaka, so it was a must try for me. Upon stepping out of the station, we were not only confronted with the lovely picturesque surroundings, but lo and behold, a takoyaki stall. (It's really name is takoyaki). Jin Lee ran over and bought some and we all dove in and had a bite each.
First reaction: HOT. HOT HOT HOT HOT. I think Kok Siew burnt her tongue. It was burning hot.
Second reaction: BLEAH. What the hell was this?
For those who don't know, the takoyaki is a popular Japanese dumpling made of batter, diced or whole baby octopus, tempura scraps (tenkasu), pickled ginger, and green onion, topped with okonomiyaki sauce, green laver (aonori), mayonnaise, and katsuobushi (fish shavings). Did I steal that from somewhere? Yes, now that you mention it, I stole that from Wikipedia.
What I can say about it though, it's NOT MY CUP OF TEA. Jin Lee, Kok Siew and Yvonne tell me though, that it was horrible. It was not just me, but that stall's takoyaki was extremely not up to standard. Even the Singaporean takoyaki surpassed this. They were determined to redeem the takoyaki in my eyes.
Whatever, let's just head to Osaka Castle. On the way to Osaka castle, we got to walk through the loveliest park, which was also filled with sakura (is it me, or is it just EVERYWHERE in Japan?) There was a little train that went through the park, and I'm sure that if we understood Japanese, we would be on that train. However, we don't, so we continued walking on.
First glimpse of Osaka Castle.
Von leaned over and asked "So what are we meant to look for here?" To which the answer that Jin (or was it me? Whatever it was, it was quoting the guide book) provided was "Osaka Castle is famous for its stone walls". OK then - we are going there, look and the stone walls and scoot. I'm getting hungry. :)
The weather was perfect, clear blue skies and the atmosphere was amazing! Underneath all the cherry blossom trees, and in perfect sight of the castle, people were having a good time, picnicking and laughing and enjoying the warm weather and the pretty sakura. Why didn't we bring a picnic basket? Honestly....
While walking, we had a catch up on what was going on with the people we used to know in high school and somehow that lead to Jin and I (eventually pulling Kok Siew and Von into this) plotting to scale the Osaka Castle walls. NINJA style. See, some things don't change!!! The end result of that was that we needed ropes and bow and arrows to do it, and as I left my crossbow in the hostel that day, it was not do-able.

By the time we got to Osaka castle, we were a little hot and bothered as it was a long walk and the weather was beating down on us. I was complaining of the heat (I do not like the sun) and rested on the cooooooool stone walls! It was awesome! Of course we then decided to spend 10 minutes taking photos there - just so that we were in the shade and so that we could lean on the stone walls. Plus, you know, since the castle was known for its walls, we thought that we would how it the respect that it deserved. :)

After taking our modelling photos, we proceeded to look at the front of the castle. Apparently I was staring at this dog that was dressed in a Sailor Moon outfit, I think the owner thought I was thinking HOW CUTE (because the owner stopped and waited for me to take a photo of this thing) But in actual fact, for the record, I need to say, that I FREAKING HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE DRESS UP THEIR PETS!!!! What is the point of that??? Anyway, because I felt obligated to, I took a photo of that dog. How embarassing. And looking at this dog, you would think that the owner was a little girl - NO, it was a big fat man. Not anyone that you would expect to dress a dog up!

Anyway, we wandered around Osaka Castle and debated whether we should go in. This is how it went:
Jin Lee: Should we go into the castle?
Ness: Are we that cultured?
Kok Siew: No.
Yvonne: OK, let's go then!

So onward to Dotomburi, which was the Gourmet street! We were slightly lost and finally found it, and YES, it looks like a GOURMET street for sure! We decided to have lunch at one of the restaurants though - it was one that we saw in Ginza the night before and it had heaps of people, so surely the food must be good. And it wasn't bad at all. I was so full at the end of it, I could barely walk!!!

Coming out of the restaurant, the girls were still keen for me to try the takoyaki, which I was sure I would still not like it, not because I was not open-minded about it, or that I already had a bad experience. I KNEW that if I were to put anything else into my mouth - I was going to cross the line into UNCOMFORTABLY FULL.

Eitherway, I sampled the okonomiyaki AND the takoyaki. Both of which, I can't say that I enjoyed. Oh well.
Walked around a little bit more before then deciding to head back to Kyoto to Nijo castle to see what the big dealio was about. Got some bento boxes (yes, I know we were full, but you never know with later) and made our way to Nijo castle.
Now I understand why people rave about Kyoto. Nijo castle was all lit up and they had cleverly placed lights underneath the cherry blossoms. I have always liked the night and night time activities (even though I'm afraid of the dark - go figure) so this was very exciting to me! The whole castle was beautifully lit up and the trees seem to be almost dancing with the shadows of the THRONGS of people that were there! Unfortunately, the colours would not translate into pictures, so for now, you might just have to take my word for it. :)

After walking around Nijo castle, the girls and I came to some stalls selling food and souvenirs. We quickly found a couple of benches to eat out bento boxes and just generally enjoy the night. And that's the thing about Japan. Even though it's crowded, there always seems to be a quiet corner to sit and gather your thoughts.
After another immensely enjoyable day, the four of us wandered back to the hostel, celebrated the fact that it was our last night in Kyotokko and had a very good night's sleep.