Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Ok, so this isn't me Zorbing down the hill, but this is the exact route I took! It was AWESOME to say the least and I will definitely be going back there again! I was screaming the whole time and laughing, it was so much fun, you cannot imagine! I was also being bounced from wall to wall, and it is true what they say, it's like being on a waterslide crossed with a rollercoaster! I have also worded Jill up that we are going on the thing again!

The great thing about this Zorb was that even though I didn't get to film me being in there, the team took photos of me, which I will be uploading soon, even though I look horrendous in most of them! But I would DEFINITELY recommend Zorbing to anyone who's anyone though!

As I was travelling solo, I got the option of choosing between Zorbing on the straight route, or Zorbing on the zig zag route. Thinking that the Zig Zag route would take longer and therefore go slower, I opted for that! Oooohhhh..... it's a whole different world while you're in there! I was screaming and laughing the whole time and was thrown from one wall of the Zorb ball to the other! The water in there was warm and lovely, so there were no complaints there!

I could go on and on about Zorbing, but I won't bore you to death! Definitely worth every penny - even though it was quite expensive, (most expensive 3 mins of my life!) But definitely worth a go! I should totally be working for their advertising company, btw!


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