BUT walking along the waterfront and we decided to do a cruise. Well, I was the only one really keen for the cruise because the other girls were keen for the jet boat ride. Are you kidding me? I can't stand heights, but I figure that jet boats are going to make me queasy as well, so I put my foot down and said NO. But gave in in the end.
Thought about Nads and Jill who were getting in that afternoon. And we thought that we should ask whether they were keen for the jetboat ride. Which they were. In the end, the boat had to practically wait for them as they tore down past all the shops to get to the waterfront. When Jill realised that it was a jetboat, the look on her face was priceless. They had just experienced turbulence in the air and were a little green. Needless to say, she was not impressed.
Nads, who is always up for a good time jumped into the boat. To say I noticed all this before the ride would be lying. I was so nervous and, pardon my French, was s***ting my pants. Refused to sit in the front row (which the crazy daredevil Elizah wanted to do) and climbed into the second row. Was also told by Elizah that seatbelts were unnecessary ( I think on some subconscious level she wanted to kill me) and clung on to dear life - til my knuckles went white! Was also singing "My Favourite Things" to make me feel better.
Turns out that sitting in the second row was a blessing in disguise because I was perfectly dry by the end of the ride and the rest of the girlies who had no choice but to sit in front were saturated. To my surprise, I thoroughly enjoyed the ride and was like "Again, again!!!"
The rest of the arvo flew by and before I knew it, it was time for the Bledisloe. Met Gibbo and Russell at the train station, (where they were late, btw - I was anxious!) and got to the stadium. at Homebush The match was so great - it was amazing to be there at another international test and barrack for my boys! They put on another awesome performance and decisively beat the All Blacks. I think the rest of the girls had a good time, it would be hard not to.
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