Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Penny's travels...

OK, so I bit the bullet and purchased a BB Playbook. Yes, the one I have been raving about and complaining about. I decided to get it. I figured that if I was going to get a tablet, it would have to be the BB Playbook even if it is shite.

Anyway, I bought it on Saturday from an American seller. I only thought to do that because there were no Australian sellers and true to Murphy's law (and the saying that patience is a virtue), an Australian seller appeared some two days later. So should have bought from them.

I decided to name my new addition to my geeky techy family Penny. I thought Penny the Playbook had a nice ring to it. Apparently too nice - someone told me it sounded like a porno name. Whatevs.

So the seller told me on TUESDAY that he had sent Penny to me. TUESDAY the 3rd of May 2011. on Wednesday, I could see, through the wonders of the tracking number that the item had left the States. That is an outright and BS lie because on FRIDAY, when I telephoned AUSPOST to find out why the tracking number did not show that the item had arrived in Australia when it allegedly left the States on Wednesday, I was informed that it was because Penny was not in the country yet. AND that Penny only left the States the night before (which would make it Thursday). So the USPS website telling me that Penny left the States on WEDNESDAY was an outright lie. WTF.

So Penny has gone on some grand tour of the States no doubt.

AND the seller told me that the post office told him that it should arrive on the 9th. BULLSHIT.

It is now 10.28pm on the 11th and I am still waiting for Penny to arrive. Apparently, it now appears that Penny is on a grand tour of Australia. Either that, or she's propping up a three legged table somewhere in the middle of woop woop. They have confirmed of her arrival in the country, but the tracking site says that she is in customs. I telephoned again (ok, what do you want from me - it's an expensive thing!) and it turns out that she has cleared the customs and is en route to Hobart. Via Melbourne. And she flew into the middle of the desert somewhere near Alice Springs. Seriously, this is getting ridiculous.

So a big shout out to USPS - when you say express mail and delivery between 3-5 days, I say BS, don't lie!

And of course, I predict that it will arrive tomorrow and I will not be able to pick it up til Friday because of course, I have a meeting til 4.30pm and will not be home until after 5.

Patience is so not my middle name!!!


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