Saturday, June 4, 2011

I'm back baby dolls... :)

Ok - sorry I have been MIA from this blog. It has been a busy few weeks! First of all, I finished up at RBF, and that was a crazy last week of work, just trying to get everything done, so I was up at the crack of dawn (and I don't mean 9am, but rather 4am!) trying to get it done, but at the end of the day, I can only do what I can do! And let's not forget that Penny arrived - she is AMAZING! For those of you who don't know, Penny is my new Blackberry Playbook and she is everything I hoped she would be! All those BB haters out there - shame on you! I LOVE my Playbook. Sure it's got it's limitations, but it's a tablet, what do you expect. Her first photoshoot and review should be coming up soon - when I get around to it... seems like the theme of this month! :)

Then I had a week off before I started my new job, where I did nothing at all. Seriously. Nothing. I have never been so lazy in my whole entire life! The week flew by and very soon, I had to start my new job! It's pretty cool, it's nice to be in an office again, although I have to share, but eh, can't complain! At least I'm no longer in a cubicle! Although I have to say that I didn't mind so much being in a cubicle in my old workplace, because the building was nice. This one is NOT. So an office is a bonus really. I have one window where I am overlooking the warehouse. FANCY. :)

But I get to park at work and drive home during lunch, so that is a bit of a bonus. The people seem nice, but I do miss my old colleagues! Especially chatting with Miss Anna Banana about her latest purchases (have you guys checked out her blog?), catching up with Miss Honor about her weekend shenanigans (the weirdest still being when she flew to Melbourne randomly for a weekend to deliver a passport!) and of course the emails from Miss Jules who would keep me in stitches! But I suppose these bonds take time to develop...

And I also started my training to run 10K. Yup, you read it right. I started counting calories and started training for 10K, 100 push ups and also 200 sit ups. But alas, after week one and feeling extremely proud of myself, I was struck down with the flu. You betcha. I feel like history has repeated itself! Last year when I first started my job, I got a terrible flu the second week I was there. I had to take a day off. This time, new job, week 2... BANG. The flu. AGAIN. Ridunk.

So training will have to wait a week. But I will get back on it and I hope that at the end of 13 weeks, I will be able to run 10K.

Latest obsessions? I am officially a reality TV junkie AND Real Housewives tragic. I now watch all the Real Housewives series, you name it. Orange County, New York (one of my faves), DC, Beverly Hills (love), New Jersey (LOVE LOVE), Atlanta (meh - but I like the way they talk) and also Miami (which is a bit meh as well, but hell, I will watch it anyway!).

Oh, and turns out Audrina has got a show too. Luke stumbled upon it when he was watching some of his shows online, so I jumped on to check it out. First of all, I did watched the clip with Audrina's mom having a go at Lauren Conrad after Audrina got kicked out of Dancing with the Stars. What a crazy bitch.

If you haven't seen it, here's the video:

After reading the reviews, I thought that it would be a bit boring. It has been called the poor person's "Keeping Up with the Kardashians", but I got into it a bit. But then again, who are we kidding - I just admitted that I'm a reality tv junkie! Lynn Patridge does shit my up the wall though - she is sooo mean to Casey, and a mother should NOT be allowed to speak to her daughter like that!

So after I watched all of Audrina, I looked around to see what else was new, and thought that I should check out Mob Wives. And OMFG - this is AWESOME. I love all of them - they are so cool, and SO WEIRD. I mean, who talks like that? And do these girls (well, in all fairness two of them) really think that they are mafia princesses? BUT, I still like them. I don't think I could even pick a favourite, but I would probably say that I like Carla the least. She's more mellow and a bit boring compared to the other three. But I like them all!

Check it:

Anyway, enough about TV ranting - I need to write another post on the footy!


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