Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My wedding cake...

Sooooo.... where do I start with my DIY? Let's start with the CAKE.  As previously mentioned, it was initially seen in a book at Eastlands and the minute I saw it, I thought to myself - I want a cake just like that! A perfectly white, two tiered quilted cake with black satin ribbon and fresh white roses.

While I am quite contented with my limited cake making skills, making a seemingly simple cake such as this one was still concerning. For starters, I wasn't sure whether I would be able to stack the cake perfectly and if the base was not perfect, there was a very real chance that the whole cake would topple over. Knowing me, that was also entirely possible. Then it hit me.... FAKE BOTTOM CAKE! I would make (well, cover with fondant) a fake tier at the bottom and sit a real cake on top of it! I spoke to Croyule cake decorations at Bellerive (good ole Lila) who didn't have any styrofoam cakes, so she refered me to Creating Cakes in Sorell. They were also brilliant there and $16 later, I had myself some fake styrofoam cakes.

While I can make my own fondant, I didn't want to risk ANYTHING for my wedding cake, so I went with a standard white fondant from Lila. Four kilos worth.

The top bit of cake was a very rich chocolate mudcake (so rich that it is about 600 calories a slice!) with a beautiful rich chocolate ganache - it seriously was one of those "death by chocolate" cakes!

The end result? Not too bad at all...

I ended going without the quited pattern because I could not just get it RIGHT. My beloved Elizah was brilliant in helping me with this cake, so I have her to thank for the success of this cake! THANK YOU for making my dream of having this cake at my wedding come true. :)


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