Sunday, August 26, 2012

Healthy crunchies...

When I was first trying to lose weight, I tried this diet called the BodyTrim diet (you might have heard about it... ) It was basically a protein based diet, where you ate three meals of protein and three protein snacks a day. The premise of the diet is keep your body's metabolism up, by constantly feeding it. By feeding it only protein, the body has no option but to burn fat (hey, I'm just quoting a theory, don't mock me) and not sugar that carbs and sweet things give you.

The problem with that sort of diet (aside from being quite difficult to follow, especially for an Asian girl who cooks a lot of Asian and has lots of rice and noodles in her diet) is that all the food consumed seem to have a similar texture. SOFT. There is no crunch. Unless you eat some crunchy vegetable or the toast in the morning, it is really not that interesting.

I love crunchy things - healthy crunchies are always a challenge for me. In Malaysia, we could rely on the trusty kacang putih man to provide some crunchy deliciousness, roasted chickpeas, roasted green peas, roasted broad beans (just to name a few). But not in Hobart. Either these things are not available, or too expensive or of really poor quality. More often than not, it was a combination of the latter two.


I have discovered something crunchy and satisfying and not all that bad for you. While it will have the same amount of carbs (probably, I'm just guessing) as potato chips (but probably not if you went with a wholemeal option), it lacked the copious amount of oil and salt that often accompanies the potato chips. AND it's cheap too!

What is it, you may be asking?

PITA chips! HOME MADE pita chips.

Absolutely delicious.

So, what you will need are:

a) pita bread;
b) olive oil (whatever sort you like, I used extra virgin olive oil, and not too much, probably a spoonful or so)
c) seasoning (whatever you like, grated parmesan cheese, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, any sort of herbs - I just used Tuscan seasoning)

What you will need to do:

a) preheat the oven to 180C
b) tear the pita bread into bite sized bits
c) toss the pita bread with olive oil and seasoning
d) lay the pita bread on a baking tray
e) bake for approx 10-15 mins (or when crunchy)

Then, enjoy!

Crunchy deliciousness!!!

As with everything, eat in moderation!


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