Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weekend epiphany...

What a lovely weekend! There was a patch of torrential rain yesterday, which was lovely and this morning we woke up to a bit of snow and a patches of white on the treetops. I am one of those weird people who like the winter better than the summer. It is always easier to keep warm than it is to keep cool. Plus, the cold and the rain gives me an excuse to snuggle up and be lazy in front of the television. Winter is also when the footy season is in full swing, so no guilt in spending lazy afternoons and evenings under the doona (OR, more recently, my knock off Snuggie), watching some exhilarating matches and eat delicious hot, comfort food. Don't judge me, it's my thing. :)

I did get some sad news though - I spoke to some family at home and they told me that my beautiful 80-year old grandmother is giving up on life. She is just tired all the time and she senses that her time on earth is up. It makes me sad that someone who was so full of life and energy is now tired and is ready to face the afterlife. I love her dearly and when I spoke to her, I said to her not to give up, that in alot of ways, 80 is still young. But the grandmother that I had, the one who has always been funny and cheeky could only sigh and said that she was tired. And that someone was coming for her. Due to the meds she has been taking, her blood pressure has dropped significantly, so she gets really dizzy and as a result, she has no appetite. The lack of food has made her weak, and she has been having strange dreams about the afterlife (which could or could not be attributed to the lack of food). She was also lacking haemoglobin and very nearly a blood transfusion.

All I can do is keep her in my prayers and hope that this is just a minor bump in the road. I always thought that my grandmother would live until she was 90, so I really really hope that she can.

Receiving news like that always makes us assess ourselves. Am I really taking care of myself as well as I should? I think the clear answer is NO.

After my wedding, I have been joking that now that I'm married, I can be fat. And I haven't been watching what I eat. Surprisingly, I haven't gained any weight (even though my clothes feel snug and I feel like I have gained weight). Now anyone who has read this blog knows that I love my food and I do NOT like giving up anything delicious.

So what's a girl to do?

I think that I need to do something about my weight and more importantly, I need to device a method that works for me, where I still eat delicious foods (so I don't be deprived), which does not cost Luke and I a fortune, and adhere to a regimen of cardio and Pilates.

I need to lose 25 kilos. Who is with me?

Tomorrow will be day one. But for today, I think some mushroom pizza is in order. :) (not that my mushroom pizza is unhealthy).


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